Commissioning LEED Green Buildings

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Commissioning LEED Green Buildings Training Course

Basically, LEED-certified green buildings feature more intricate building systems and strict criteria for certain control systems. The LEED Green Building Rating System will be introduced, followed by a discussion of how the commissioning process for a LEED building may differ from that of a conventional new construction project. This course explores the integration of some of the more technical LEED credits into the commissioning process.

Building commissioning is becoming more and more popular among owners as a reliable way to guarantee quality and maximise energy efficiency. With the rising demand for LEED-certified buildings, the need for commissioning new construction projects has grown significantly over a short period of time. Building commissioning hasn’t drawn much attention from the construction management research community, despite the fact that it can add up to 2% of the overall cost of new “green” building projects.

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The advantages of commissioning are well known, however according to the research detailed in this course, owners of built-in facilities do not fully comprehend the commissioning process. Because of their negative experiences and the confusion around the commissioning process, several owners are now more hesitant to use commissioning services for their future projects.

Several owners have had bad experiences with commissioning because they didn’t understand how it worked. This has made them less likely to use commissioning services on their next projects.Examining and elucidating issues surrounding the commissioning of green buildings was the goal of the training Course.These concerns include the commissioning requirements for LEED and the certification criteria for commissioning agents.
The ultimate goal of the Course  is to help building owners better understand how to get the most out of the benefits of green buildings.

Commissioning LEED Green Buildings is a training programme that was conceptualised and developed by Krishnaji Pawar, CEO and Founder of Beyond Smart Cities.

Our company specialises in the development of environmentally friendly design strategies for green building certification systems (LEED, GSAS, ACP, ISO14001:2015, etc.), energy management, energy efficiency, energy auditing, building commissioning, environmental impact assessments, and environmental management systems.

This is an introductory course in commissioning (Cx), and it covers the fundamental concepts of green building science as well as the technique for commissioning new buildings.It is not necessary for you to have any prior experience or understanding of the commissioning process. It would be helpful to have experience working with HVAC systems, a background in the building construction industry, or a degree in engineering.

Learning Objectives

• Understanding commissioning terms and abbreviations.
• Understanding the commissioning process at the top level.
• Recommendation for further investigation of the commissioning process.
• Understanding how LEED certifications relate to the commissioning process.
• Exploration of the LEED Green Building Rating System.
• Discussion on differences between regular building projects and LEED Green Building commissioning.

The study’s results also showed that when compared to the basic commissioning prerequisite for LEED, the enhanced commissioning contributes much more value to the building project than the fundamental commissioning does. It is only possible to achieve significant energy savings through the utilisation of an improved commissioning process that employs an integrated design approach that involves the commissioning agent at an early stage of the schematic design phase. The additional expense of enhanced commissioning is negligible in comparison to the additional advantages it provides.

The training also came to the conclusion that the majority of owners do not require certification of the commissioning agent, and that a significant proportion of owners use price as the sole criterion when choosing a commissioning company. The commissioning community should educate building owners on the process of commissioning, the importance of certification, and the added value of enhanced commissioning in order to boost the benefits of commissioning green buildings.

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What Will You Learn?

  • Understand commissioning terminologies and abbreviations
  • Understand the high-level commissioning process.
  • Investigate the commissioning process in greater depth.
  • LEED-certified green buildings typically have more complex building systems and very specific control system requirements.
  • This session explains how some of the more technical LEED credits fit into the process of commissioning.
  • First, we'll discuss the LEED Green Building Rating System, then how LEED Green Building commissioning differs from traditional building projects.

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