with Krishnaji Pawar Coaching

Let Go of Your Fears!

Discover the simple 4 Steps that I Discovered to Hack Productivity. It works %100. Wanna transform your life?

— About Me

I help people to discover their true potential.

Years of

Krishnaji Pawar is the founder and CEO of Beyond Smart Cities. Krishnaji Pawar held leadership roles in sustainability, energy, energy, and environmental consulting at Beyond Smart Cities prior to his appointment as CEO in January 2020.

The company specializes in developing sustainable design strategies for green building certification systems (LEED, GSAS, etc.), energy and water conservation, commissioning, environmental impact assessment, and environmental management systems.

Krishnaji, a leader at Beyond Smart Cities, has been responsible for green building and energy modeling consulting in the UAE, India, and Qatar since 2007. He has led sustainability development for Egis International and held corporate roles at the Arab Engineering Bureau. Krishnaji’s passion for creating economic opportunities and building sustainable businesses is evident in his work at the Green Building Technology platform.

Krishnaji Pawar

Happy Clients
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Services I Provide For My Clients

I can help you in this particular areas.

1:1 Coaching

Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. I'm surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself.

Face to Face Coaching

I want to come with you to Alderaan. There's nothing for me here now. I want to learn the ways of the Force.

Learn More

Group Coaching

Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. I'm surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself.

Group Coaching Sessions

I want to come with you to Alderaan. There's nothing for me here now. I want to learn the ways of the Force.

Learn More

Executive Coaching

Remember, a Jedi can feel the Force flowing through him. I'm surprised you had the courage to take the responsibility yourself.

Executive Coaching Sessions

I want to come with you to Alderaan. There's nothing for me here now. I want to learn the ways of the Force.

Learn More


Results I have helped create

Hear out what my clients say about me.

"I gained so much confidence in my ability to connect and deepen my relationships with people. It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors."
Anna Allen
Founder & CEO
"It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors."
Jane Anderson
Founder & CEO
"Wow! I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors.I gained so much confidence in my ability to connect and deepen my relationships with people. It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections"
Jake Bill
Founder & CEO
"I gained so much confidence in my ability to connect and deepen my relationships with people. It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections. I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors."
Ribeka Cruz
Founder & CEO

— How it works?

Simple Steps to Success

It all starts with a single first step.

Learn about how them you went down prying the wedding ring off his cold, dead finger. I don’t know what you did, Fry, but once again, you screwed up! Now all the planets are gonna start cracking wise about our mamas.

Ready to start?

The plans you refer to will soon be back in our hands. Alderaan? I'm not going to Alderaan. I've got to go home.

All queries are replied within 24hrs.

Make a decision
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea ei viderer probatus consequuntur, sonet vocibus lobortis has ad.
Schedule a meeting
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea ei viderer probatus consequuntur, sonet vocibus lobortis has ad.
Show Commitment
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea ei viderer probatus consequuntur, sonet vocibus lobortis has ad.
Transformation Completed
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, mea ei viderer probatus consequuntur, sonet vocibus lobortis has ad.

Let the transformation begin.

Book Your Coaching Session Now!


Upcoming Workshops!

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Self Development Course

Learn about how them you went down prying the wedding ring off his cold, dead finger. I don't know what you did, Fry, but once again, you screwed up!

— Writings


I write about sustainable development, green building technology, energy modeling, energy efficiency and management, commissioning, green building certification, environmental sustainability, health and safety, GHG accounting, and more.

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